
Carvings on monuments, particularly those commissioned by rulers, typically base their themes on religious or historical epics, or glorify the royalty and the battles they have been fought. The carvings in Angkor temples are no different – with one notable exception. Tucked in-between some sections of the panoramic bas-relief carvings of epic wars in Bayon temple in the middle of Angkor Thom are often-overlooked carvings representing scenes of daily life of that time.

INDENT(UR)ED brings these little known rare carvings and scenes into closeup, and in context of the larger carving to highlight how the everyday and every person is ignored by tyrants and tourists alike, and the grandiose is trite.

CREATED BY: Stephen Chen | COMPLETED: 05/07/2024

2048 1536 dissonance productions

dissonance productions

Started by trans-discplinary art-ivist Stephen Chen to consolidate his recent work; as well as facilitate collaboration with others. Stephen’s oeuvre is often allegorical as well as simultaneously deconstruct and hybridize the very forms he works in. Disdaining academic and esoteric expressions, as well as institutional conventions and practices, Stephen explores complex ideas and issues immanent in his works through experiments in form and technique.

dissonance productions