PASCAL (People Against Skin Color And Love) is a pentaptych of fluid paintings that express the zeitgeist of current BLM (Black Lives Matter) struggle during Pride month - paralleling the…

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1178 1200 dissonance productions


Capturing the zeitgeist of performance and mediation in isolation for each month in quarantine utilizing consumer webcams for motion capture; bringing together COVID anxiety, social media singing, quarantine, and animals…

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624 351 dissonance productions


I 'M PEACHY is a follow-up creative coding piece to

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1097 274 dissonance productions


Playing off the homonymic puns of Kunst (art) and Fach (compartment) and German compound words, Stephen creates new German compound swear words pertinent to the experiences of contemporary life using…

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512 356 dissonance productions
Pliant Desire

Pliant Desire

PLIANT DESIRE (an anagram of PRESIDENTIAL) is a creative coding piece in which 69 random Trump tweets from the onset of his presidency are sampled, broken apart, and reconstituted into…

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798 298 dissonance productions


BLEU is Blue, BLEU is also a measure used in machine translation between languages. Blue is sex and seedy, blue is sad and depressed. Using digital false-color infrared photography, Stephen…

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2048 1536 dissonance productions
we’re made of clay

we’re made of clay

WE'RE MADE OF CLAY alludes to common threads in creation myths and Native American ruins in the American Southwest. Like

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1400 1400 dissonance productions
Gone Dyke

Gone Dyke

GONE DYKE is a multi modal work of performance/poetry/music/photography/video that explores the queer in landscape, and the queer as landscape via the Klondike Gold Rush. At its core is an…

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960 720 dissonance productions
TO Canada with love

TO Canada with love

Canada's sesquicentennial (150th) has largely been the typical excess of

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1280 862 dissonance productions
Freudian Lip

Freudian Lip

While researching and putting together

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2957 2153 dissonance productions


SCREWED is a hybrid visual/performance piece that manifests and explores the intersectionality of the artist's personal and professional obstacles and disappointments.

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3968 2232 dissonance productions