PLIANT DESIRE (an anagram of PRESIDENTIAL) is a creative coding piece in which 69 random Trump tweets from the onset of his presidency are sampled, broken apart, and reconstituted into a rambling epic poem with stanzas of 69 lines that encapsulates a despot’s narcissistic authoritarian aggrandizement of self and self-serving interests at the expense of people and environment; masquerading as a country’s economic and security concerns.
The work traces its roots to THE HARPY AND THE HARE , a (political) bedtime story for children and grown-ups, when Canada had its own fascist-leaning government and prime minister. As inextricable (meta)phor, PLIANT DESIRE was coded in a single day (Black Friday – dysfunctional nadir of economy) and utilizes colors based on 911 and 666 hex codes.
CREATED BY: Stephen Chen | COMPLETED: 29/11/2019 (Black Friday)

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