


An ongoing experimental manga. A recontextualization of German philosopher and cultural critic Walter Benjamin's Passagenwerk, a collection of writings on the city life of Paris in the 19th century and its iron-and-glass covered…

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896 504 dissonance productions
Phantom Selves

Phantom Selves

PHANTOM SELVES traces the origin and evolution of Thai Buddhist architecture and sculpture, particularly the large Buddha statues Thailand is known for, through temple ruins from the Sukhothai Kingdom (which…

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2048 1536 dissonance productions
Empty Gestures

Empty Gestures

EMPTY GESTURES draws upon the Buddhist philosophical concept of suññatā (often translated as "emptiness": which refers both to the lack of inherent existence of all things and the reality that…

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2048 1536 dissonance productions
In(tima) Moralia

In(tima) Moralia

An ongoing poetry series subtitled "reflections of shattered life" Stephen grew up queer, critical and creative in a repressive and conformist "meritocratic" Asian society, and eventually ended up living in…

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450 300 dissonance productions


DOLOR (Drained of Color) are a series of haiku tweeted during the progression of clinical depression episode. To help others glimpse into the suffering, and how their well-meaning intentions can…

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2560 1707 dissonance productions


BLEU is Blue, BLEU is also a measure used in machine translation between languages. Blue is sex and seedy, blue is sad and depressed. Using digital false-color infrared photography, Stephen…

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2048 1536 dissonance productions
Gone Dyke

Gone Dyke

GONE DYKE is a multi modal work of performance/poetry/music/photography/video that explores the queer in landscape, and the queer as landscape via the Klondike Gold Rush. At its core is an…

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960 720 dissonance productions


SCREWED is a hybrid visual/performance piece that manifests and explores the intersectionality of the artist's personal and professional obstacles and disappointments.

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3968 2232 dissonance productions


IN DIFFERENCE picks up the yearning for liberation of BLISSED in its exploration of its homophynic meanings of apathy and divergence. A conversation between a young banker with an older…

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1280 720 dissonance productions


Two men in a coffee shop communicate their desires publicly yet silently when they are interrupted by a third. An anagram of "napkins", SPANKIN transposes the gay hanky code of…

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1920 1080 dissonance productions


FERO-CITY is a photo series/installation dealing with the resurgence of anti-LGBT hate crimes in North America, particularly in NYC. The title plays on the meanings of fero as iron, and…

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960 540 dissonance productions


In Frankfurt near St. Peter's church on Klaus-Mann-Platz, there is a memorial with an angel sculpture (aka Frankfurter Engel) for the homosexual men and women persecuted and murdered during the…

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900 506 dissonance productions
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