


Reflecting on 2024's economic downturn and ongoing struggles for employment after layoffs, Stephen finds a metaphor of such existence in the everyday environment. kampfUnkraut (fighting weeds) uses false-color infrared imagery…

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2048 1536 dissonance productions


An ongoing experimental manga. A recontextualization of German philosopher and cultural critic Walter Benjamin's Passagenwerk, a collection of writings on the city life of Paris in the 19th century and its iron-and-glass covered…

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896 504 dissonance productions
Phantom Selves

Phantom Selves

PHANTOM SELVES traces the origin and evolution of Thai Buddhist architecture and sculpture, particularly the large Buddha statues Thailand is known for, through temple ruins from the Sukhothai Kingdom (which…

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2048 1536 dissonance productions
Empty Gestures

Empty Gestures

EMPTY GESTURES draws upon the Buddhist philosophical concept of suññatā (often translated as "emptiness": which refers both to the lack of inherent existence of all things and the reality that…

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2048 1536 dissonance productions


A series of what Stephen terms "Shinkansen sonatas", music composed and performed on Japan shinkansen (high-speed bullet trains) in tandem with the fleeting rail-side scenery, embodying the contradictory states of…

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1024 576 dissonance productions
Shinkansen Suite

Shinkansen Suite

Shinkansen Suite comprise generative meditations on technology and progress (philosophically and literally on Shinkansen routes). The soundtrack for passing rail-side scenery is generated algorithmically via various methods, which in turn…

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1024 576 dissonance productions


BLEU is Blue, BLEU is also a measure used in machine translation between languages. Blue is sex and seedy, blue is sad and depressed. Using digital false-color infrared photography, Stephen…

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2048 1536 dissonance productions
Ballads 5 & 7

Ballads 5 & 7

An anagram of "all bad", BALLAD is a series of short pieces that reflect on our fractured existence, trapped by contemporary circumstances. Continuing the socio-political aspect of

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1920 1080 dissonance productions


STILLE STADT (trans. Silent City) is an experimental feature which depicts the state of contemporary urbanity through an Everyman on the verge of a mid-life crisis, who goes through his…

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5472 3078 dissonance productions


CONTENTUS takes its cue from the meanings of the (latin) word - to strain with exertion, to hold together; in which three parallel stories intersect in a contemporary allegory of…

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1318 1705 dissonance productions


BLISSED – (or “Bless Id”) continues the racial dynamics of A MOOR via the unspoken issue of LGBT domestic violence as allegory. Drawing inspiration from the claustrophobic tensions of Tennessee…

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1280 720 dissonance productions


IN DIFFERENCE picks up the yearning for liberation of BLISSED in its exploration of its homophynic meanings of apathy and divergence. A conversation between a young banker with an older…

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1280 720 dissonance productions
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