
Reflecting on 2024’s economic downturn and ongoing struggles for employment after layoffs, Stephen finds a metaphor of such existence in the everyday environment. kampfUnkraut (fighting weeds) uses false-color infrared imagery to isolate these “unwanted” plants that are downtrodden and passed-by, excluded and invisible in indicators and imagery of urban “progress”.

Their ongoing struggle to survive and stubborn tenacity, making their home in the non-spaces of cracks and crevices of impervious urban surfaces, ruptures the smooth polished superficiality of the urban and contemporary zeitgeist. A harsh life, ignored by the well-off, but a struggle no less grand than the romantic landscape photography trope of trees clinging precariously to sides of cliffs.

Conceived & Photographed by: [photolink] | Completed: 04/10/24

2048 1536 dissonance productions

dissonance productions

Started by trans-discplinary art-ivist Stephen Chen to consolidate his recent work; as well as facilitate collaboration with others. Stephen’s oeuvre is often allegorical as well as simultaneously deconstruct and hybridize the very forms he works in. Disdaining academic and esoteric expressions, as well as institutional conventions and practices, Stephen explores complex ideas and issues immanent in his works through experiments in form and technique.

dissonance productions